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凤雅堂是Successfield公司的旗舰商业连锁品牌,在悉尼共有8家连锁分店,多年来凤雅堂以 “共享健康,美丽人生”为理念,秉承“优质产品,一流服务,大众价格”的经营宗旨为澳洲消费者提供优良的健康美丽产品。旗下经营品牌包括世界知名的护肤美容品牌SHISEIDO资生堂,CLARINS娇韵诗,L’OCCITANE欧舒丹,JURLIQUE茱莉,PERFECT POTION优芳,Glamourflage格兰玛弗兰,Lanocream和Aromatica等等,还有Blackmores,Comvita,Good Health,Herb of Gold,Nature’s Care,Homart,Wealthy Health,Careline,Body & Health,Nature’s Queen和Origin-A等深受消费者欢迎的保健品牌。同时凤雅堂也是家喻户晓的澳纽婴幼儿奶粉Karicare、Bellamy’s以及澳产雪地靴Jumbo UGG & Koalabi和UGG Australia的主要经销商之一。



Successfield 公司1994年成立于澳洲悉尼,18年来专注于澳洲的健康美丽产品行业,是一家集健康产品生产、连锁零售和批发代理三大支柱业务的多元化企业。

GoodCombo是澳洲Successfield公司旗下的奶粉及健康产品品牌。GoodCombo奶粉采用澳大利亚维多利亚传统奶产区——高宝河谷(Goulburn Valley)330家定点有机绿色纯天然牧场的奶源,该奶产区是全球有机农业的最佳地域之一,该地区气候温和,有各种丰富的土壤类型,供应的水源充足干净,并建立了良好的灌溉系统,为产区周围40万头奶牛提供了全年放牧的良好环境。保证了生产出来的原奶具有标准良好的品质。GoodCombo的每袋奶粉均产自澳大利亚,由具有百年历史的澳洲乳业巨头TATURA严格按照《澳大利亚新西兰食品标准法典》和澳洲优良制造标准GMP的要求,经过澳洲检验检疫局(AQIS)颁发许可,同时在先进的工艺与安全体系下的进行奶源采集与封装,生产过程全部在澳大利亚境内完成,确保奶粉的纯正高质安全。

Successfield批发公司Blossoms Wholesale & Distributors分销网络遍布悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、珀斯及阿德莱德等澳洲主要城市,是澳洲知名有机护肤品Prefect Potion优芳,Glamourflage格兰玛弗兰,Aromatica,Ausganica,婴儿营养品Bio-Island,有机婴儿护肤品牌By My Side和知名保健品GoodHealth,Nature’s Care ,Origin-A,Nature’s Queen以及Body & Health的授权代理商,同时还是澳洲唯一羊奶粉品牌Caprilac的全澳总代理。
Successfield 公司将一如既往继续致力于提供更优质的产品和服务,您和家人的健康和美丽是我们一直追求的事业。


Successfield’s eight retail stores operate under the “Phoenix Beauty” brand and provide its customers a wide range of quality products, mostly sourced from Australia and New Zealand. The Phoenix Beauty team are highly customer focussed and works by the motto to “Embrace nature’s gifts and enjoy good health and a beautiful life together ….”.
The Phoenix Beauty team has over the years, developed its loyal base of clients by continually  providing excellence in customer service; value for money; and a wide range of quality, premium health and beauty products. Together, these three principles form the underlying foundation for the successful franchise network.

Our Products

Phoenix Beauty supplies a wide range of leading well-known international beauty brands including Shiseido, Clarins, L’Occitane, Jurlique and Perfect Potion – all at competitive prices. This is well received by customers who are also keen to support the retailer’s range of internationally-recognised Australian and New Zealand  brands such as Glamourflage, Lanocream, Aromatica, Blackmores, Comvita, Good Health, Herb of Gold, Nature’s Care, Homart, Wealthy Health, Careline, Body & Health, Nature’s Queen and Origin A. Other major products line include infant health needs such as  Karicare and Bellamy’s baby formulas and sheepskin boots from Jumbo UGG, Koalabi and UGG Australia.

About Successfield Pty Ltd

Successfield Pty Ltd is an Australian owned and operated company, established in 1994. Over the past 18 years, with its strong emphasis on professional service and value for money, the company has become a trusted Australian supplier of premium health and beauty products. Successfield operates several retail franchise outlets in Sydney as well as a wholesale operation which services all capital cities.

GoodCombo is fully owned and operated by Successfield Pty Ltd, an Australian company, based in Sydney, Australia. GoodCombo provides customers with high quality milk powders and health food supplements. 
GoodCombo Supplier

GoodCombo products are produced by TATURA, an Australian-listed company which has been manufacturing high quality dairy products for over 100 years. TATURA is one of Australia’s leading milk producers and the country’s  largest Australian-owned manufacturer of infant milk formulas. 

TATURA’s products are supplied by animals which graze in the beautiful pastures of the Goulburn Valley, Victoria, where the climate, rich soil types, abundance of clean water and well established irrigation systems create the ideal conditions for the production of natural wholesome foods. TATURA also has a strong reputation worldwide for its organic milk farms.
From milk collection to packaging and distribution, TATURA’s processes are carried out to the most exacting standards and specifications using state of the art technologies and systems.
The company’s products and production facilities are ISO 9001 accredited  and use the HACCP-based quality system for Dairyfood Safety. Products satisfy ANZFA and Australian GMP standards and have been accredited by AQIS for export. 
All GoodCombo products are grown, processed and packaged completely in Australia and guaranteed to be of extremely high and pure quality.

Wholesale Operations

Successfield Pty Ltd owns the Blossoms wholesale operation which distributes its product range to a wide network of clients in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns, Perth and Adelaide.  The range includes well-regarded Australian skin care brands such as Perfect Potion, Aromatica, Ausganica, Glamourflage; Australian health supplements brands such as Bio-Island, By My Side, Nature’s Care, Origin-A, Nature’s Queen, Body & Health and Good Health; and organic baby skin care products and infant supplements. Blossoms is also a major Australia-wide distributor for Caprilac goat milk products.

Successful Pty Ltd is proud of its achievements over the past 18 years. Through its retail and wholesale operations, it will continue to strive to offer its customers high quality products at competitive prices, supported by knowledgeable and friendly staff.  The health and well being of its customers and their families are the company’s priority.


243-247 Parramatta Road Auburn 2144 NSW Australia

电话:+61 450 211 000 


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